
Keep-up-to-date with all the latest news, recommendations and offerings from Catherine Park Estate.

Deck the halls – it’s November

christmas nov blog image

November is the month before the festive season, and the time when wise people get sorted for the craziness that follows. There are a few ways to get organised in advance so that Christmas can be a season to be enjoyed, rather than a time to be dreaded, stressed through and tolerated.

Lay plans

By planning what you are going to do and where you are going to be for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, you can realistically allocate your most precious resource of all – time. Where will you be celebrating Christmas? What will you be contributing? Are you going to host it at home? Will you be going to church and if so, what time will you be going? Deciding on these factors will allow you to plan your time realistically and ensure you can factor in everything that is important to you.

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Foliage in focus: Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Exmouth’

Magnolia Grandiflora

The iconic Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ is easily identifiable for its glossy green leaves with brown undersides.

It is particularly spectacular in summer, when it is adorned with large creamy white flowers that are truly iconic. The flowers are beautifully fragrant and are worth the year-long wait they command.

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A return to the simple life

Simple Life

There are so many modern developments to be grateful for. Medical advancements have lengthened and improved the quality of many lives. Technology means we are never truly disconnected from loved ones. Fresh food is more accessible than ever before.

But there are some elements of the past that we reflect upon with affection and longing. Catherine Park Estate has been developed to deliver these elements with ease, recapturing the simplicity that seems to have been lost amidst the faster pace and altered priorities of the current era.

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Eating out, keeping it local

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The Camden area is buzzing with a variety of dining options for all budgets and occasions. Not only are there cuisines from all around the world, they are delivered with authenticity and love. Catherine Park Estate residents are well situated to enjoy all the foodie gems that the area has to offer, some of which are listed below.


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Preserving a delicate piece of our history

Orielton Homestead and Catherine Park House

The Camden area is blessed with a number of historical homesteads that add character, depth and narratives to the region. Harrington Estates takes great pride in local history and has restored three local homesteads within its estates with meticulous attention to detail.The first was Harrington Park house, followed by Orielton Homestead and Catherine Park House. Orielton commenced in 2014 and has only just been completed due to the grand scale of the undertaking.

In the Beginning

The grand home began as a hut belonging to Edward Lord, who was granted the 1620 acres of land by Governor Macquarie in 1815. It was acquired by John Dickson in 1822, who demolished the hut and built a four-room home as an outstation for his farm manager in 1830. The Perry family extended Orielton between 1847-1860 with the addition of eight rooms, including kitchens, servants’ rooms and stores.

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25 May 2023
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Catherine Park residents, Sydney and Marielle, moved to their beautiful new home just before Christmas 2022. They love the serenity, the open spaces and the large block size, which was a major factor in their decision to build in Catherine Park. They...
17 April 2023
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Catherine Park Estate has been crowned Australia’s best residential subdivision in the prestigious national industry award given by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA).To be considered for the national award, Catherine Park won the NS...
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