The BIG LIST of LITTLE THINGS that make Catherine Park Estate
a beautiful place to live.
Why our residents love Catherine Park Estate
Walking to the park with the neighbours has
become our family’s Sunday morning brunch

I can teach my kids to ride their bikes up
and down our quiet street
I have the shops close by, but don’t have to
deal with traffic at my doorstep

I have so many walks I can
do right at my doorstep
The neighbours aren’t worried about the party, they are part of it
6.We go for a ride around the block, and it ends up a neighbourhood ride

A playdate is if someone’s car is home
8.We aren’t in each other’s business, but are there to help if
they need us
It feels like I’m stepping back in time with wide tree lined
streets and kids riding bikes till dusk
People care for their home, their garden and ultimately
their neighbourhood

There is so much we can do outdoors that keeps us
busy and also means we are always meeting
new neighbours
We are spoilt for choice with open spaces
and places to relax in
The neighbourhood takes real pride in its garden, so
the whole area looks lovely from spring through the
other seasons
My neighbours look out for me, but aren’t always on
my doorstep

The children can play on the sports field without having
to worry about traffic, parking and chaos
We are proud of our neighbourhood, not just our
individual houses
Local shops and services are handy without them
being on top of us
My four-legged friend is my best friend, and even they
have their own space at Catherine Park

Every time I look up, the trees make me feel happy
20.I know exercise is good for me, I’m glad I have some
great outdoor spaces to do so
There are lots of families in the neighbourhood
just like mine
We have the café culture just down the road but on a
weekend, we aren’t swarmed upon by visitors

My neighbourhood takes pride in the appearance of
their homes and keep the streets clean and tidy
The sports field is a stone throw away
There is access to public transport nearby so if
we need to get somewhere it’s easy
Being in a community means that we know each
other and feel welcomed