
A return to the simple life

Simple Life

There are so many modern developments to be grateful for. Medical advancements have lengthened and improved the quality of many lives. Technology means we are never truly disconnected from loved ones. Fresh food is more accessible than ever before.

But there are some elements of the past that we reflect upon with affection and longing. Catherine Park Estate has been developed to deliver these elements with ease, recapturing the simplicity that seems to have been lost amidst the faster pace and altered priorities of the current era.

Imagine long chats between neighbours, children riding their bikes down Robbins Lane, parents calling out to their kids that it is time for dinner, residents referring to the people next door as their friends, children asking after the whereabouts of their hats instead of their chargers.

At Catherine Park Estate, the nostalgia of the past has been woven into the designs of the future. It is not only along the pedestrian boulevard of Robbins Lane that these old-world ways of life can be envisioned, but right throughout the community.

The Australian Department of Health states that “families, neighbourhoods and communities are the building blocks of the nation’s life. Neighbourhoods that support each other lessen burdens on society as a whole.”[1] By designing a community in a way that fosters the establishment of strong relationships, it is hoped that Catherine Park Estate residents will continue to thrive and support one another long into the future.

Home is more than just a place to store possessions and go to bed at night. It provides a sense of solace and refuge, a place to retreat and feel safe at the end of each day. A place to love waking up in each morning. A place to develop memories, reach goals and live life.

The community is an extension of home – it provides feelings of belonging and mutual affinity. Living amongst people you know, trust and relate to is crucial for overall wellbeing, and is one of the key differences of life at Catherine Park Estate.



Foliage in focus: Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Exmouth’
Eating out, keeping it local
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25 May 2023
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